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St Mary's Primary School, Kircubbin

We are Blooming Marvellous in P1/2 πŸŒΈπŸŒΊβ˜€οΈπŸ£

14th Mar 2025
P1/2 have been busy with their new topic Blooming Marvellous. We have been learning about flowers, planting seeds and searching for signs of spring here in school. We are enjoying creating beautiful artwork and having lots of fun in the role play ‘Garen centre’ to explore our World Around Us topic. Have a look at some snapshots below! 

A huge thank you to our previous Mystery Readers, Mary Murray and Mrs Fowler. Alice and Riah loved having you in reading to their friends in P1/2. A few dates are still available for the end of May and start of June if you would like to sign up.