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St Mary's Primary School, Kircubbin

P7 Titanic Models

14th Mar 2025
As part of our Titanic topic, P7 have been busy working in groups to create 3D models of the Titanic. We began by gathering scrap material. We then began constructing the model by cutting and sticking cardboard boxes together. We then covered the ship in white paper and painted it white, black and red. Next we painted toilet roll tubes for the funnels and attached them to the top of the ship. Some of us used cotton wool for the steam coming from the funnels, some made lifeboats from cardboard and painted and some made an anchor and attached this to ship. We also painted on the windows and one group even created an interior for their ship. A lot of hard work went into these projects and they look fantastic now that they are finished! Last Friday each group presented their boat to the whole school in Assembly, made posters and shared some facts that they have learned through the topic. Our models are now on display at the front of the school.