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St Mary's Primary School, Kircubbin


2020/2021 School Year

18th May 2021
Congratulations to all the P 4 boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion...
18th May 2021
We had the best fun taking turns, sharing, looking out for our friends and being...
18th May 2021
We would like to say a huge thank you to Shane Braniff and Echlinville Distillery...
17th May 2021
SCU had the best time today with Victoria and Nina from UHub. We had lots of fun...
17th May 2021
A huge thank you to Saoirse's mum who has spent a lot if time trimming the willow...
15th May 2021
Congratulations to our P4s who made their first communion this morning. Thanks...
14th May 2021
Congratulations!!  Daniel entered the Parish of Ardkeen competition. ...
12th May 2021
P2/P3 have been learning about minibeasts microhabitats. We thought it would be...
7th May 2021
Saoirse from Primary 1 was disappointed to find so much plastic litter at the lovely...
7th May 2021
As part of Well being Wednesdays P7s wrote letters to someone they have missed greatly...