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St Mary's Primary School, Kircubbin


2020/2021 School Year

8th Jun 2021
Some photographs of our measures work over the last week. Also see our champion...
8th Jun 2021
Thank you to Leah from Action Mental health for visiting our P5,6 and 7 classes....
8th Jun 2021
We had a lovely talk with the ladies from Portaferry Library.  They were...
4th Jun 2021
What a great start to the weekend. We had a lovely cake, which was completely demolished!...
2nd Jun 2021
P2/P3 set up a science experiment today to investigate what type of habitat minibeasts...
23rd May 2021
Despite the rain, Fr Alexander did a magnificent job confirming our P 7 pupils this...
20th May 2021
We had a great time exploring the new software on the Just 2 Easy app in school....
18th May 2021
Dear Parents,   Please see details of what we feel is an essential App...
18th May 2021
The PSG are running a carpark bingo on Sunday 13 June at St Joseph's Ballycran....
18th May 2021
We were delighted to redistribute 5 workstations and 5 laptops this week to pupils...